Facts & Stats
The Annie E. Casey Foundation. (June, 2017). Children in Foster Care.
On January 14, 2015 Virginia Beach's Wavy 10 news channel published a news broadcast and posted on their website that the city is in need of Foster Parents. According to VB's Human Services Department there a 212 children needing placement, but only 68 registered foster homes.
Cummings, B. (2015, January 16). Va. Beach Needs Foster Parents.
The AFCARS Report. (2016, June 30).
The department of child protective services (CPS) plays a huge role in the falling number for foster/adoptive parents. Many factors working against CPS and contributing to the reduction in homes for children in need: a lack of loyalty, a lack of respect, discouragement, inadequate support, inadequate services, and differing laws and regulations throughout the system.
20 to 30 percent of foster parents quit every year, with only half of every new foster parent group completing their first child placement.
Schooler, J. (2009, September 1). Why are Foster Parents Leaving? Fostering Families Today, 22-25.